The Prickly Pear Blues
By Cricket Rohman
(Mentioned in the novel, Letters, Lovers, & Lies)
A prickly pear is a cactus,
A prickly pear has fruit,
So red and sweet and juicy,
With a rooty-toot-tooty-toot-toot.
Throw away that éclair
Eat a prickly pear
But handle with care . . .
Of the thorns, please beware.
The fruit of the prickly pear
Comes in handy when feeding a group.
Inside the fruit you will find many seeds.
Those seeds can thicken your soup.
Don’t need silverware
Or even a snare
‘Cause the desert will share . . .
A prickly pear.
A prickly pear is a cactus,
A prickly pear has fruit,
So red and sweet and juicy,
With a rooty-toot-tooty-toot-to