Yes, indeed. Moved my blog to wordpress, so, in a way, I am starting over–a new beginning with new learning. With that said, I am reposting my very first blog entry for those of you who do not know me, my blog, my books, or my website. Everyone, please sign up to receive my monthly NEWSLETTER.
(Originally posted in 2015) Welcome to my blog and my very first blog post . . . ever.
Before you ask, “What’s this? Another blog?” Please keep reading for just a minute. And, yes, this is a blog, but it won’t be like any other. Why? Because I do not know how to blog. This blog will be about you and me chatting about things that interest us. I will strive to make my future blogs short, visual, and hopefully, entertaining.
Yes, I do have several areas of expertise, and so do you. We will get to those in the near future. Until then . . .
Do you love to laugh? Do you ever laugh when you probably shouldn’t be laughing? Yeah, me too. My mother and I used to stand reading the “humorous” birthday cards at the grocery store. That was our idea of having a good time. What makes you laugh?
Did you take that online test to learn what kind of flower you were? NEVER again! I know I am NOT a daisy. Maybe a red carnation, but definitely not a daisy.
I refuse to take the test to see what breed of dog I would be—learned my lesson from the flower test. Besides, I was too fearful of being a beagle.

What is this heeler puppy thinking?
Then there is crying. They say crying if good for you, though I’ve never felt good while crying. Hallmark card commercials make me cry, animal cruelty makes me sad and mad, and then
there are those darned onions and the movie Old Yeller. Do you ever just want or need to cry?
Do you know what your dog is thinking right now? . . . Do you want to know?
I could go on and on about love, laughter and life’s little mysteries and I will, eventually. If one of the above questions, wonderings, or musing caught your eye or piqued your curiosity, please come along by signing up to get an email notice when new posts or events appear.
See you next time.