Just Lookin’ @ April Fools
April Fools' Day, also called All Fools' Day, is celebrated every April 1st in the United States. It is not officially recognized as a holiday, though many celebrate by playing practical jokes or even hoaxes on their family, friends, teachers or colleagues. When I was...
Monday’s Little Mystery: Illusions
Sight is a wonderful thing; not something to take for granted. Just looking at a smiling dog, a giggling baby, a beautiful flower, a breathtaking sunrise or Photo from Bonnie Lee. sunset creates a glorious feeling within. But what you see is not always what is...
To Read or Not To Read
Just finished reading some comments made by Stephen King on the topic of writing. They were all interesting, but two of them made me stop and think. The Man! #1 "The magic is in you. I'm convinced that fear is at the root of most bad writing." My reply: Fear not,...
YOU, of course, but I’ll need your help.If you happened to see my very first blog post, you’ll know why I’m writing what I’m writing today. I am looking at YOU!If not, you can see that entire first blog right here. In the meantime, here’s a snippet from that...
Funny for Teachers . . . or maybe not.
What does the test say? Good Question. This time of year, as we approach some of those high stakes tests given to our children, we think about paper and pencil tests of academic skills. WHAT DOES THE TEST SAY? Find out below. Ah, the world of...
A Tale of Two Charlies
Going for a ride! To the best of my knowledge, Charlie the dog was born first, somewhere south of Tucson. He was adopted out of the back of a rancher's truck before he was eight weeks old. The timing of his adoption, though likely wonderful for the puppy, proved...
Today is Love Your Pet Day!
February 20th has been named Love Your Pet Day, though the origin of this special day eludes me. I'm okay with that. Most good pet owners love their pets every day, right? Best Kitten Smile!That fact got me thinking. This day has something in common with Mother's...
This Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Valentine's Day is a perfect day to think about love. All the pink and red hearts, the candy, the flowers, the cards make this one heck of a colorful and sometimes costly day. But we love it. Right?Tulips and candy!Let's begin with a dictionary definition(s) of love.1...
Boredom: Real or Imagined
Moms, teachers, husbands, or wives . . . in your lifetime, you may have heard someone say, "I'm bored" or "This is boring." I can recall such a situation on several (many) occasions when I was faced with someone or something that spoke of or demonstrated boredom. A...
Just Lookin’ @ YOUR BIRTHDAY
Remember when you couldn't wait to be older? First we just wanted to hit double digits, then life would be so cool when we got to be a teenager. Oh, sweet sixteen couldn't come fast enough.We wanted to be eighteen so we wouldn't have to do what are parents said we had...